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Protein Information

Our company is a partner of prestigious network services to provide customers with the most authoritative information about proteins and genes for reference.


Regucalcin (RGN)

A soluble globular protein that is chemically acidic and conserved and participates in the regulation of many cellular processes ...[Read More]


Renin (REN)

RENin is a proteolytic enzyme An important component of the RENin-angiotensin system or RENin-angiotensin-aldosterone system ...[Read More]


Peptide YY (PYY)

Peptideyy (pyy), also known as tyrosine, is produced mainly from the separation of animal posterior digestive tract ...[Read More]


Peripherin (PRPH)

PRPH called attachment protein (protein - attached) or outer membrane protein, accounting for 20% ~ 30% of the total membrane protein, the protein completely exposed in fat double inner and outer sides (cytoplasmic side or outside), mainly through the ionic bond adhesion in polar lipid molecules head area or across a membrane protein on one side of the water affinity, indirect combined with membrane ...[Read More]


Periostin (POSTN)

Periosteal members of the family of proteins is a fasciclin, molecular weight of 90 kd, is a four repeat fascilin secretion of extracellular matrix protein structure domain, the domain structure and insects fascilin Ⅰ similar amino acid sequence, can be transformed TCB - beta induced expression ...[Read More]


Pigment epithelial derivative(PEDF)

Pigment epithelial derivative is a member of the serine protease inhibitor family, which is a secretory glycoprotein with a molecular weight of 50kDa ...[Read More]


intercellular cell adhesion on molecule 1(ICAM1)

ICAM1(intercellular cell adhesion on molecule 1), also known as CD54, is a member of the immunoglobulin superfamily (IGSF) of adhesion molecules, and is an important adhesive molecule that mediates adhesion reaction ...[Read More]


Human Growth Differentiation Factor 3 (GDF3)

Human Growth Differentiation Factor 3 (GDF3) DL-GDF3-Hu Vgr2 Vg-Related Gene 2...[Read More]


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